Hello, world!

In the field of computer science, we typically write our first program in a new computer language to output “Hello, world”. Its origins date back to the early days of UNIX computing when the C language was being developed in the early 70’s.

Endearing to those of us who were C programmers back in the day and still going strong, “Hello world!” is an optimistic phrase we print to demonstrate our newfound “prowess” in a new technology. Prowess, of course, is greatly exaggerated at that stage of new knowledge acquisition, but “Hello, world” is proudly output all to see who can see our monitor, at least, or perhaps the web page, or in this case, a blog entry.

In fact, the very title of this blog, and its inspiration, came from the template blog that, you guessed it, had “Hello, world” as its title. At this point, perhaps this knowledge belongs in the history of computing. This information is arcane, yet still has meaning to this day.

Affect Health Science was formed approximately one (1) year before this blog post was made and before the first barebones template website was stood up. We’ve had a busy year, creating our own prototype versions of “Hello, world” search products. It’s been fun, tiring, and full of optimism at the same time. Each new customer demo is our “Hello, world” moment, and we are happy to show off what we have done so far.

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